Thursday, December 18, 2008

The talent I vicariously posess through my daughter

Bailey and Kaitlynn
As a youngen' my mother MADE me play the piano. I absolutely HATED (strong usage please!) getting up in the morning to practice. At a younger age, it was only 30 minutes... every morning at 6:00 a.m. My mother was the piano NAZI... she wouldn't just get me up, she would walk me to the piano and then SIT next to me while I practiced. Who does that? I vividly remember it so much so that I can recall her rubbing her sleepy eyes and they sounded like marbles banging together! At 6:00 a.m. EVERYTHING bugs you... unless you're running or feeding a baby! And I was bugged. I wanted to sleep until the sunshine kissed me awake. But even more, I wanted so badly to play the violin like my ballerina sister, Rosie... But the piano was mine with a promise that "you'll thank me one day". And that day did come. And I am truly grateful for those hours of practice... but I wasn't in my more naive years! Never-the-less, my wish to fiddle never faded. When Bailey began showing interest in a violin my heart lept!
Today we enjoyed her first orchestra concert! It was combined with the band and choir. (Crazy, somehow I managed to talk my mom into letting me play the flute along with the piano, but not the violin. Now that I think about it, I'll have to rehash that conversation with mum to figure out the reason... Where was I... ) I came to a quick realization after listening to the "beginner" band that the strings are WWAAAYYY more my type! The melody of angels... And I feel complete.
Dear Sweet Buns,
Thanks for your interest in my dreams come true.
Love you,


Karen said...

Shes so cute! I wish I could play it too...but whatever, like Im gonna start now.

"Good tithings" that is hilarious!
Hey we'll be there after Christmas so we should hook up...our old traditions, that Crackers place :)

check us out

Jo Dee said...

Glad she made you play. I have enjoyed your talents on many occasions. I wish I would have practiced more as a kid!

cherryl said...

oh this gives me hope that some day my girls will be glad they play piano. becky- your tribute to your mother was precious and made me want to be a better mother myself. how sweet you are.

Alison said...

That is a mom's mantra..."You'll thank me some day"! And you know what? We all do thank our mama's for their insistence of developing our talents. My other mantra is..."you'll regret it someday". I get to say both to my children...time will tell if I'm speaking truth! Way to go Bailey and mom! Keep it up!