Friday, December 19, 2008

A juicy piece of Vit C. and randomness...

This is so random...
This morning while indulging on my breakfast of Fuji apples and winter pears, the light bulb (the one that has obviously been burned out for the past 35 years) flipped on. I was dreaming of peaches, actually... wishing for a ripe tree to drop its freshness on my watering palate at that very moment... when I began to add up the reason for "seasonal" fruits and veggies. When my random thoughts finally landed, this is what I had come up with...
summer fruits are typically high in "antioxidants" much needed for fighting free-radicals. (SUNBURN= cancer! YIKES!!) Autumns fruits and veggies last a long time... some of them well into the winter. Winter fruits are full of vit C to fight influenza.
Boy... it only took me a lifetime to think that up. I'm so grateful for a kind and wise Father in Heaven who created everything for our benefit. Everything in it's season. And I'm certain it didn't take him a lifetime to figure out which season we would need which fruit and veg...
By that time I had almost finished off my pear. I was baring my testimony of fruit to Cole, trying to convince him that he would feel like a king if he would just partake... oatmeal is more his style... (with brown sugar and powder sugar and white sugar and honey on top) As I finished the last juicy bite, I decided I really like pears. And then I packed up and headed off to buy some orchard fresh oranges for lunch... and I smiled all day!
Random... I know.


Jo Dee said...

Great minds think alike. Andy was just baring his testimony of vitamin c rich fruit last night. He swears eating 2 of them every morning since they began to ripen on our tree is the reason he has not gotten sick.

HaHa said...

I have to agree - we have a very wise Heavenly Father. I (like you) have been taking care of sick kids, on and off for the last two weeks - even Handsome Hubby's been trying to fight off some kind of cold. They all have the benefit of medicine - I've been eating an orange everyday and so far doing pretty good. I, too, am very thankful for healthy fruits and veggies! Great insight!

Marja Liisa said...

I have had those light bulb moments as well. It does make you amazed how Heavenly Father has it all figured out. Have a good holiday!!! We miss you!!!