This is Bailey Bug... Boy is she sick!

Po Bailey!
So today, we ditched church and called Dr. Davis, who came for a house call... (he's like Doc from Little House on the Prairie, but WAAAY better looking!) and after asking Bai to open her mouth he proclaimed, "WOW"! (I'm still unclear if it was from the Strep throat breath, or the sight of GIGANTIC red and pussy tonsils.)
He gave her the Rx of dreams... Pink bubble gum medicine (I'm jealous! Still like to eat it...) for 2 weeks. Drink lots of water. NO school for 2 days! (T.V. here we come!) and sleep in!
So tonight for dinner we all ate Chicken Noodle soup with Bailey.
Get better soon, little bug...
Poor Baily. She so cute. Thank goodness For Dr. Davis. Ha Ha! Hope she's better soon.
We did notice you weren't at church yesterday and we missed you all. Tell Bailey to get better soon!
Becky!! How are you?! yes, thanks to Cherryl I've got to put some pictures up there quick.. what a lame blog so far... :)
Your family is adorable! Where are you living? Yes, we are in Utah-- you smartie! Loving it here! Keep in touch!
Becky, it is so great to see your darling family. Your kids are getting so big...I think the last time we saw you guys Cole was just a baby. I love your blog, you are so wity with could my blog even compare? I loved seeing your pictures and reading your favorite things. I go way back with your family...seeing the pictures of your Mom & Dad made me miss them. I haven't run into them in awhile. I'm soooo glad to get to check in on your beautiful family. Now how can we talk Sarah into doing a blog? Will you work on that? Merry Christmas Becky...I will certainly be "stalking" you now!
poor girl! she's still dang cute tho!!
i love your darling favorite things post!!
did you try out the music??
Ok who is the doctor that makes house calls?? I need his number:) I'm so sorry she's so sick..thank heaven for antibiotics. I love that you're pampering could you not with that face?
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