Today I received this e-mail stating that if I didn't partake I was a scrooge and "it is the season of joy and giving and"... and since I think its fun to pass along nonsense, I filled it out... After all, I don't want to be a scrooge. And if I didn't send it to 35 people within the next 10 seconds I would have bad luck through the holidays... and I don't want bad luck EVER! You know the deal...
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? (Is this a question? if so...) Christmas wrap with a bow please... and I like tags and dangly ornaments if I get to have a preference.
2. Real tree or Artificial? I love REAL... There is something aromatically sensational about a real live tree. However, my first married Christmas, Nate and I lived in a quaint little apartment and we had a live tree... and as the short version of the story goes; one day I was looking at the tree and it was moving... There had been a hatchling of bitty spiders all over my Merry Christmasy house. HO HO HOLY SMOKES! Since the arachnophobic side of me took over, I now and forever more, have a FAKER...(or more politically correct - which I loath politically connectedness's)...an artificial tree. And I don't have spiders. And it doesn't need to be watered. And it doesn't die. And I don't have to figure out how to dispose of it on January 1 (if it makes it that long before it ignites) And I light a pine tree candle and get an artificial aromatic sensation!
3. When do you put up the tree? Post Thanksgiving. And I would put it up before that if mi amore would let me!
4. When do you take the tree down? sometime after New years.
5. Do you like eggnog? If it is spiked!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My Grandma Woolf and Grandpa Paul gave me a homemade wooden pic nic table one year! It was just my size. I loved that thang. I can actually smell the wood and stain just thinking about it!
7. Hardest person to buy for? Parents. They have everything.
8. Easiest person to buy for? Cole. He will have one of EVERYTHING in the store and make time to play with all of it.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Absolutely! Isn't it the symbol of Christmas?
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail- C'mon!
11.worst Christmas gift you ever received? Ummm... is it okay to post that? After all, where is the gratitude?! However, I took personal offense when in years past my ~positively perfect in every way (but one) ~ husband shopped for me on the Christmas Eve and so whatever he could find at Wally World was in my sock on Christmas morn... Don't remember what, but I was shocked! That is BOULDER DASH... I tell you... I hold grudges and consequently I am still having difficulty forgiving him of this transgression... even though he has mended his sinful ways and bashfully hides each and every time I decide to remind him of his ONE iniquity! Last year Bailey told me to "build a bridge and get over it". Don't worry, I hold animosity for her saying that too! Where was I... Worst gift... anything that was picked up on Christmas Eve.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Miracle on 34th St. (not necessarily in that order)
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Does it ever end? I shop when I find a good deal or I see the "perfect gift".
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No... However, I did see a gift that I gave be recycled once. It made me feel good that the individual I gave it to could use it for something! Heck, if She doesn't want it, give it to somebody that does... and save some cash during the holidays!
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Can't lay off the cheese ball and crackers. My thighs remind me of it daily... Cheese ball, that is.
16. Lights on the tree? I thought it morally wrong to put up a tree with no lights?! One year I even wrapped them myself... My tree looked like a UFO landed on my front room floor. I nominated Nate to do it the next year.... What a treat! My tree looked like he stood on one side of the room and practiced pitching. Needless to say, I now call in the professional... my mother.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night. If I turn it up loud enough and sing, I sound just like Celine Dion. It's astonishing! I didn't know I had such an amazing voice.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home. I went to Disneyland with the kids one year. I have to say that it was the only time I didn't like Disneyland. There were so many people there that they were denying entry. Don't go on Christmas...
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? yes
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? One on Eve- Christmas morning is magical with kids.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? angry people who forget to enjoy the business of the Holidays... after all, aren't we busy celebrating the birthday of our Savior?
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? We traditionally give an ornament to each sibling (family). The one's I have received have become sentimental. We also choose one each year to sum up the year. We have some from the different states we've lived and one from our honey moon... (specialness...) each time a child joined the family. It brings tree joy!
24. Favorite food for Christmas dinner? carne asada tacos, homemade guacamole, fresh salsa, home made tortillas...
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Nate in a stocking.
Carne asada tacos for dinner? Are you part mexican? If your making homemade fresh tortillas you better be inviting me!
I am cracking up about build a bridge and get over it! I have got to use that one sometime!
Great post Becky!! Those are my top two Christmas movies too. Steve and I have to watch Christmas Vacation every Christmas Eve while we are setting stuff out:). By the way, I'm impressed with the coupon effort! I used to be addicted to coupons and I'm trying to get serious about them again...thanks for the movtivation:). Did you ever check out my blog? I love keeping in touch this way.
P.S. You make a great Gothic Diva!!
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