The definition of gratitude:
Gratitude, appreciation, or thankfulness is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GratitudeCount your many blessings name them one by one... I am grateful for many things. Here is a modest beginning:
1)My Heavenly Father (2) His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ (3)The promptings of the Holy Ghost (4)The gospel of Jesus Christ (5)My amazing husband (6) Bailey (7) McKay (8) Cole (9) The freedom to worship as I choose (10) A land, choice above all other lands, to live in (11) My mother (12) My father (13) my 3 fabulous sisters (and Loyd) (14) my 2 goofy brothers and their spouses(15) Nate's incredible family... mom, dad, 2 brothers, 3 sisters, 3 brothers-in law, 2 sisters- in law (16) 11 nieces (17)13 nephews (18) the blessing to know and have a relationship with my grandparents and Nate's grandmothers. (19) two living grandmothers, and a grandfather who have influenced my life tremendously (20) a temple close to my house (21) a temple recommend... a treasure (22) a church around the corner (23) wonderful visiting teachers (24) spectacular home teachers (25) friends galore... irreplaceable (26) pets... 5 chickens with the personalities of humans and a mean lizard who ate the other two (27) the health of my children (28) a healthy body (29) my husbands job... at least for now! (30) Nate's willingness to work hard for our family (31) an opportunity to be a stay at home mom (32) flowers... I absolutely love love love flowers! (33) a marriage sealed for time and all eternity (34) my callings at church... primary teacher, camp director, visit teacher supervisor, visit teacher (35) I am truly grateful for my capable hands (36) strong legs... I love to run (37) education; mine, Nate's and the education of my little ones (38) teachers who love and care for my children when I am not in class with them (39) sight... so many pretty things to see (40) that I can hear (41) that I can taste the wonderful flavors that I put into my mouth (42) food, to fuel my body (43) clean water (44) big yard (45) plants (46) my house... a shelter for my children (47) a car to get me to and fro (48) my running shoes (49)pictures... a still shot of memories (50) experiences (51) trials that I have grown from (52)ability to serve (52) especially during the holidays I am thankful for Mary, the mother of God. (53) Joseph, his mortal father, who had a monumental responsibility to raise the son of God (54)the atonement of Jesus Christ... which guarantees the gift of the resurrection (55) Eve, the mother of all living, who partook of the fruit so that we might have a better understanding (56) countless aunts, uncles and cousins who have touched my life (57) my baptismal covenants (58) the opportunity to partake of the sacrament each week (59) sunshine (60) clouds (61) heavens above; blue, gray, or twinkling at night (62)the unique characteristics of many different animals (63) ability to communicate (64)a worthy priesthood holder in my home (65) scriptures (66) a living prophet (67) the book of Mormon (68) the prophet Joseph... a man with remarkable courage and a fearless testimony (69) the brave founding fathers of our country and its constitution (70)laughter (71) air conditioning... THANK YOU! (72) mountains - they offer a grand solace (73) memories of my childhood... what a fun time to be alive (74) life itself (75) talents- a gift to play the piano (76) gift of repentance (77) opportunity to pay tithing... the blessings from doing so are numerous (78) modern day technology- it is mind boggling (79)an appropriate time to celebrate something... I love a good celebration! (80)cheese (81)ocean- mmmm.... (82) I am thankful when I can be a part of something special- like the miraculous recovery of Christian and Stephanie Nielson... I am a changed person for witnessing this bitter-sweet event (83) hugs from my children (84)kisses from my husband (85)book time with Cole (86) toe nail polish- many of good conversations with Bailey have come over polishing parties! (87)smiles from McKay- Nothing is more contagious! (88)modern medicine (89) indoor plumbing - our Heavenly Father surely loves us! (90)clothes...they keep me warm and protected... but more importantly, everyone else should be grateful that I wear clothes! (91) the ability to love another and feel of another's love (92) mental stability (93) kind acts of others on behalf of my own (94) the understanding of individual worth- I recognize it to be a treasure that many are searching for (95) good music... I believe it will sound in the halls of heaven (96) my bed... however often I complain of a kinked neck, I am sooo happy to lie down in it each night. (97)modern feminine hygiene products and toilet paper... I still wonder what the pioneers did... and my heart swells with the sight of quilted northern (98) washer... laundry means I have clothes, but I am sure glad I don't have to do it all by hand (99) a bishop and leaders who are inspired by the Lord (100) a pure understanding of the plan of happiness and life eternal
And the blessings go on... and I am grateful and astonished by the abundance of gifts that our beloved Father in Heaven pours upon my life. They are undoubtedly visible in every direction that I turn.
Isnt it amazing once you get started counting its seems endless. I am thankful for you! Thanks for an amazing heartfelt message you shared with us today from the pulpit. I loved your testimony at the end. It strengthened mine. I appreciate it.
so many wonderful things to be grateful for! becky, i am grateful for you! you are officially adopted into my family. you leave the sweetest comments on all of my sisters blogs. i love reading them all. i especially wanted to thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement to me. they mean so much. you are an amazing woman. since the day you were called as my young women's leader i have loved you. and now look at us, we're still friends. you are so wonderful. i love you!
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