When Cole was a wee little tyke (he's more like a block now!) we would sit him up (McKay would sit in front of him for hours and talk and play with him) and Cole would dive forward at McKay. Then they would wrestle and roll around while Cole spit all over McKay with open mouth sloppy kisses and laugh. McKay tried to teach him to crawl and walk. He was determined to grow him up so that he had somebody to build Lego's with and shoot K-necks guns at! His wish came quickly. The only problem with brotherly love of this kind is that I have one jealous Bailey who openly begs for a sister to adore the same. (insert Taylor Prince here.)
You know you have to take a little credit here for their bond. Its the love that you bring to your household as a Mom that sets the tone. Not all brothers get along so well. You are a great example of a loving Mom and your family is a great example of a loving home.
It is the best payday ever as a Mom when your children love each other and want to be together. I remind my children often, that they might not know it now, but someday they will be best friends. (With teenage girls, that can take some convincing, but I am seeing glimpses of it more and more!) I love it!
Found your blog through C Jane. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
These boys are just too cute, and sweet! I call dibbs on both of them to marry my girls!
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