Cole's favorite it wrapping every toy he has in colored tape. Every day he asks me to take him to OBI (Poland's version of Home Depot) to get colored duct tape/electical tape. Then he comes home and successfully pulls all his toys apart and then tapes them back together. It is not an uncommon thing to find a wod of tape that is not garbage in our house, but rather a Cole creation! In the very center, under layers of wrap, there is a toy. And let us not toss out the empty tape ring... it also becomes a Cole creation. I know what Cole is getting in his stocking for Christmas!
we went to climb the obstical course in the trees again... it will close soon for winter and we wanted to get our fair share of climbs in before it snows in!
Cole finished his course about half way through McKay's second round and to pass time took the phone and some killer shots!
They went like this:
"mom, pull funny faces, k?"
and so I did. But why didn't he?
"mom, now kiss my face".
The joys of cell phone photographs! Cole has successfully take 3452839850928374 of them of himself, his shoes, the street, the neighbors dog and the counter tops this week. Bless him.
We have really enjoyed the beautiful colors of Autumn! Can't say enough how awesome it is! The weather was chilly... but in the last few days took a turn for the cold and we understand won't be getting warmer again until spring. YIKES! I wasn't ready for that yet! We were loving chilly!
this lovely fence is at the park... covered in crimson! Love it!
We wish we had a big pile to jump into... but walking through them and hearing the leaves crunch is pretty cool too.
Dear Autumn,
why couldn't you have stayed longer? Two weeks just wasn't enough! We give permission for you to stay until the last golden leaf has fallen... our jackets for crisp mornings haven't had adequate wear and tear yet. And to be quite frank... we were falling in love with you.
Please note, we look forward to your grande return!
Bless you.
We woke up one morning last week to the delivery of our wood. We anticipate many days of romantic fires... the kids and I! Mr. Mecham is never home. He will be missing out.
dumped on the front lawn in the rain! It was awesome!
So I requested Mr. Mecham bring home some work gloves which he did. And the kids and I went to work. We had to take it from the front of the house and stack it under the deck cover in the back. Happy to report that this was definately dead and bug covered wood and that mushrooms were growing. We are excited to smoke them later.
The kids had a blast stacking it! It only took us about 2 hours of wood lifting and transport to complete the winter stash. This happened just in time for the cold.
Now... I will have to learn to build and light a fire in my fireplace...since I have NEVER in my life done such a thing. This should be fun. McKay assures me that he is really good at it though and he knows everything about fireplace fires, starting them and how to apply firestarter. I am nervous.
In celebration of the cold we picked up a few provisions to get us through the winter. Coats and hats. While Bailey went for the stylish mid length coats and vintage style hats, the boys fell in love with these beauties! They wear them all over the place!
By "all over" I mean even to bed. Cole has slept in his cozy hat for two nights. It is chilly in the house since I don't know how to keep the heat on... and Mr. Mecham is away on business.
Last week Mr. Mecham had some business duties in Louisiana. We anticipate his return later this week. That is when I will learn about inside fires and then we will be off to Warsaw for district conference on Saturday and Sunday. Bailey is delighted to get to go to Young Womens for the first time since we got here! Can't wait for the weekend... but since its only Tuesday, we planned an outing at Chata (Polish milk bar) for tonight's dinner. And then school and school and school for the rest of the week.
Yeah! You're alive! The climbing gym looks amazing and I'm so glad you have found it! There's nothing to a good fire.... just remember to open the flu(sp). I once tried to make a fire when I was home sick (a rare occurrence in the Mecham household). I was maybe 10 and didn't know to open the flu. The house filled with smoke and I called my dad bawling. He had to come home and fix it. It was embarrassing.
Yes do remember to open the flu. Curtis once started a fire and the flu wasn't open. He had to reach in and open it with the metal spatula. So now I always ask him, when starting a fire, if the flu is open. He kind of gives me the "I am not an idiot look." and I tell him that I will always ask him if it is matter what. Also, if you throw a little gas on the wood that works well too.:}
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