Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 58 School has arrived!

Going to admit something here. In days past, I took for granted the great opportunity of public school. I considered it a right... Shameful, I know. I am not a parent, nor will I ever be, that is naieve enough to think that it is somebody elses responsibility to teach my children. However, it was such a nice luxury to have a trained professional who loved to teach work my children ever. single. day. They did such an amazing job!
When we got to Poland we tried to find a public school that our children could attend. But because they don't speak Polish fluently, they are not permitted to attend the public schools here. It holds back the other students to have to stop teaching to caiter to the one child who didn't learn the language of the country for which they are studying in. I understand this concept well. So we congratulated the school district and the country on their firm and logical views and called good old Grandpa Mecham... who we knew we could trust to help us with our dilema. He joined us in our immediate search for a home school program that would sufficiantly sophoncify our needs. If we didn't thank you Gramps... then Thank you... from the debth of our souls for caring. You are AWeSOME and we love and miss you dearly.
We officially began the online courses a few weeks ago. But it wasn't until Mr. Mecham came home with all the books today that we got excited about the whole thing! OH WOW! This might even be fun!

Today I am thankful that Mr. Mecham made it safe and sound from Louisian, to Georgia, to Amsterdam to Warsaw to Home Sweet Home... and ALL his bags came too!

Dear papa Nate,
Thank you for bringing home to us some traditional baking supplies, the Halloween cookie cutters and treats from Grandma Chrissy and Aunt Lisers and Marci, the ziploc baggies, the cheese powder so the children can again enjoy their mac and cheese love and canned pumpkin. The missionaries will thank you tomorrow for the Cream of Chicken soup and green chilis when I make them chicken enchaladas. And the children thank you for the Halloween goodies you brought them since they won't be celebrating that holiday traditionally this year. And Cole is delighted that you brought back wart remover medicine for the wart that has taken up housing on his toe and is bothering him when he wears shoes. He really didn't want to give the dermatologist a whirl here...
Bless your heart for traveling with 5 suit cases all by yourself. You are such a stud!
Sure love you.

1 comment:

Merilee said...

It's amazing when you see the other side of education. This will be quite the adventure for you! Can't wait!