we have a problem sleeping in. It should only have taken us about 2 weeks to get over our jet lag... but we werent disciplined enough to go to bed and then wake up early and fight the sleepiness... and so we are still sleeping in late and going to bed later. Tonight we are shooting to be in bed a hour earlier.
We have had many O days sitting around the house lately waiting for the bed frame to be delivered, waiting for the t.v. hanger man to come, waiting for the water delivery man, waiting for the internet folks to fix the internet, waiting for the electrician (where is Chris Prince when you need him?) Waiting for cleaning lady, waiting and waiting and waiting...
Today was a day of waiting... The bed frame for Bailey's bed came before noon but the water delivery man, who was supposed to also be here before noon, didn't ever come. At 4:00 we finally went to the store. I understand the water delivery man will be coming tomorrow before noon. Pray for him to be on time so we don't have to wait all day again! We have places to go and people to see. Well... place to go...
I got ripped off at the ice cream store today. They charged me for 4 ice cream cones with the 4th one with 3 scoops. I only got 3 ice cream cones and none of them had 3 scoops. I may not know Polish but I am not stupid! I didn't know how to tell her that I knew what was wrong... They knew it. I knew it. But I just shook my head and decided never to go back. Oh well... I hope somebody cool got an ice cream on me. Maybe they were hungry. They looked hungry! Everyone looks hungry for that matter. I don't think a single person is over a size 4 in this entire country!
The international school called us back. They said that they can help us out! For 1400.00 zt a month they will teach all 4 of us "intense Polish". I Love that they call it "intense Polish". And if we all 4 take intense Polish (which is 2 x 45 min classes per day x 5 days per week) then they would also teach the children school for only 1500.00 zt per month. WHAT THE?! What happened to free education?! Not here! Unless you know Polish! The children and I would all be required to learn Polish so that I could understand while talking to the teachers. And next year they would place my children in the school. I said, next year I don't know if I will be in POland. They said "same offer". Please don't get me wrong... I love that in Poland I have to speak their native tongue in order to go to school... it really does make sense. And I love that they are going to charge me for private lessons... because that makes sense. It sure isn't convinient though... and a toooooooooon of money. I said, Perhaps I could talk to my husband and get back with you? That is code for, NOT EVER! :) haha...
I worked on laundry. The washer takes 2 hours to do one load. The dryer is a dehumidifyer and doesnt take as long as the wash, however it doesn't totally dry the clothes either. So a completely dry item takes 1 day! But the dryer cycle is somewhere between 1 and 2 hours. The washer and dryer cant run at the same time. So basically I can get a total of 2 loads completely finished in one work day. At this rate I will be doing wash every day for my entire stay and I will always be behind on the washing. Good thing my kids don't need clothes to wear to school!
The missionaries made it back safely from their legal trip. There is a little rule here that every so often the missionaries have to return to the area they first served in to do legal paperwork. Elder Basha was up for legal work and so he and Plumb were gone for 2 days. We missed them terribly! What will we do when they get transfered next week and we have to get used to new elders?
something I learned today:
Education isn't free. How much would you pay per month to educate your 2nd grader, 5th grader and 7th grader?
Parents must be able to communicate with the teachers in their language so that they are not dependant upon their child to get all the information across. I am liking this rule... I just with it benefited me! haha...
I have one more homeschool cariculum to look at before I make a decision on what I will be doing. Bailey is jonesen' for some order around here! I better hurry.