Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter ever in my heart...

(You may view other photographic art masterpieces by Mark Mabry here...)How does one verbalize the tender feelings of not only gratitude, but honor and praise to the most important event ever to take place in the history of the world... let alone the profound sacred feelings that rest upon a full heart for the pre-ordained Savior of the world?
Easter... a reflection of the perfect atonement, the despicable crucifixion and the glorious resurrection of our elder brother, Jesus Christ... it is difficult for me to wrap all of my thoughts into this event all in one day... Easter... but I can think of no better day of the week to celebrate the gift of the atonement and resurrection.
With so much swirling through my heart and mind, I sum it up like this: This man, born in the most humble of circumstances, lived a perfect life, performed miracles to many... who atoned for my sins and yours... who felt the pain and weight of the world... who had more love than any other... who carried, hung and died upon the cross at Calvary... This same man over came death on the 3rd day. He lives.... of this I am sure.
The Easter celebration brought about family and friend gatherings. Worship. Feasts. Fun.
We hunted baskets and eggs. We sang lots of songs. We cried and laughed.

As part of family tradition we hide an empty egg (resembling an empty tomb... for He is risen!)... The egg is the most coveted egg... for the finder of it gains the best reward. Even in a sea of treat filled plastic Easter eggs, the empty egg is most sought after and cheered for.

And the empty egg winner this year was Ms. Bailey.

Though Easter Sunday is days past, I promise to keep it ever in my heart. For each day it's message is one that I not only believe and live, but each day I become the recipient of the gift which was given at such a monumental price... the sacrifice of the perfect Son of God. And for that I remain profoundly grateful.
Happy Easter... all year long!


Senja said...

such a nice blog entry! I missed your posts!! :)

Michelle said...

I concur!

Your children looked adorable Sunday. It is by far my favorite Sunday at church... I love to see everyone dressed up in their new Spring clothes, full of contemplation and emotions ready to spill over. The gospel of Jesus Christ does amazing things to unite us.