#1) A celebration of Nate's mother, Linda June, who brought about one of the greatest people I believe I know... (After all, I did sign on to be with him forever...) and so I celebrate her sacrifice and choice to do so. I will ever be grateful. Not only that, but what baby looks this amazing after delivery? So I congratulate Linda June on the arrival of my favorite child that she has. (no offense to the rest of you.) And hope that you enjoyed him in your home as much as I love him in mine.

#2) 38 years ago Nate joined the world of mortals... breathing, eating and sleeping... and somewhere between that spring April day and today, he stole my heart... which now breaths, eats and sleeps Nate... And I sure enjoy him.

If I found it a challenge to describe the thoughts as mother to her son (about his life) then it was only because I hadn't yet had the opportunity to put my thoughts into words about his father...
Life during Mr Mecham's 24 years, prior to me, are up to my imagination... and I have a brilliant imagination (sometimes) so I figure those years were fabulous... as were mine... but I know how my life changed once graced by mi amore, so I write about those... but not without a story first...
As an adolescent I attended a youth conference at BYU... This particular class that I remember had a woman speaker describing her husband/marriage which ended with a challenge to set a standard in our minds of all young men and to create a list on paper of those characteristics of a good husband. I was young, but surely not stupid... I knew exactly what my future man needed to be! (I was 12)
All the important things at the time were based upon the current crush that I had on my brother's friend (who was nearly 4 years my elder) and whatever athletic event I was currently participating in.
My Knight in Shining Armor MUST have important qualities such as:
love baseball (that was because I loved to watch my dad play ball).
Enjoy the outdoors. (so he could keep up with me)
Be the student body president of his high school. (because that is what Scott Pond was)
Oh... and hhhhhooooooooooooottttttttttt! (of course.. because that is also what Scott Pond was!).
I wrote it down, sealed my capsule and then wondered if it would really happen as the speaker had promised???
A few years later in church we had an activity where we listed qualities in "the one" that we would date and marry. By this time I had forgotten my previous list to some degree but it didn't matter anyway because my priorities were in a much better place...
Mr. Right must:
like to run (because that was a great way to get the kinks out of your thoughts and clear all stresses).
He must have a small buttocks (because I had to give my children at least a 50/50 chance of small bottom genetics... very important!).
enjoy hiking and fishing (because I was going through some hippie/all natureeellll days).
and since I was in church during this activity... he must go on a mission, and be a member of the same church...
be taller than me. and smart!
Oh... and HHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT! (If I have to wake up each morning to his bed head and stinky breath, then he has to at least have the potential of being aesthetically pleasing!)
I found my old time capsule and opened it up/ dumped out the contents into my new and improved capsule with the revised lists and photos... sealed it up and labeled it, "Don't Open until getting married".
With that, the can was tossed to the tip top of my closet to collect dust bunnies until a later date.
Another several years passed. I graduated high school and went to college. I watched my best friend, Shelly get married and have children. I sat at multiple book tables for college room mate's receptions. I received friend's shower celebration invites and wedding announcements... and though I was having the TIME OF MY LIFE, I began to wonder if my prince charming was coming. I dated very cool people. They had several amazing qualities... but not for me. And I dated some total ding bats and found myself thankful that I had figured out that they were not for me too!
Then one day the phone call that changed my life came... I accepted a date with Nate. And with each visit and conversation I found him exactly what I wanted. Kid you not, somebody finally hung the moon for me! I wanted to be better. I made better choices. I tried to do everything right. I imagined myself with him for a very loooooooooong time. He made me weak in the knees and my heart skip beats... I had butterflies! We were like two peas in a pod. I would think something and he would voice it. He would start a sentence and I could finish it. So off we rode...
But not before I dusted off my time capsule and sharpened the can opener... with all of it's important data from my warped view of Mr. Right...
But something worth noting concerning those vital characteristics:
My Knight in Shining Armor LOVES baseball and enjoys the outdoors. Fishing and hiking are held among "favorites" even! The Autumn before we began dating he ran the St. George marathon... because he LOVES to Run! Genetically, Nate is incapable of ever growing large buns. It isn't in his make up... even if he does eat ice cream 7 days a week @ mid-night! And my children are sooo lucky!!! He is definitely taller than my 5 foot stature, and has intelligence that put me to shame. Since I saw him first @ church, I knew we shared the same core beliefs... and he served a mission in Argentina during the Same years that my brother's friend (only 4 years my elder) must have served somewhere! Ha! And so to conclude my list... My Mr. Right was even the student body president... Class of "89... Cavemen!
Surely my views had again changed... I had added different mandatory characteristics... I had forgotten most of the previous necessities! Somehow Nate excelled in every category for me...
Each day I see why he completes every part of me... because where I fall short he is long winded. He has filled every dream I ever dreamed up for him to be! I am still happy. Never wishing my situation away... and I realize that I am among an elite club of "Happy's"...
So my wish to my one and only on the celebration of 38 amazing years...
I wish to serve you as you do for me.
I wish to make your smile bigger every day...
I wish you happiness es that exceed your expectations.
I wish you a glimpse of yourself as I truly see you.
I wish you a year to remember... full of success.
feliz cumpleaƱos mi amor!
You are hhhhoooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttt!
I love you.