Friday, August 14, 2009

Better than expected

So the day that I have dreaded for nearly 5 1/2 years arrived. I had prepared myself for it to be the worst day of my existence... ALL MY KIDS AT SCHOOL. But since I had psyched myself out so much prior to that day, it went better than expected. WOOOO HEEEE.... (it was a close one though.) It didn't help that the kids had anxiety over the new school that they were going to attend. McKay absolutely hates anything that doesn't follow his agenda. So we prayed lots and I told a few mommy lies (which I've learned are one of the secrets of motherhood).
Mommy LIES:
When a child tearfully tells mom that he doesn't want to leave home to go out into that big nasty world and play with all the bully kids and listen to boring teachers all day and the mom smiles (all the while her heart is breaking) and says, "its going to be fun!" and "school is a blast! You get to learn about the birds and the bees from your 3rd grade friends who have older siblings, you get to indulge on school lunch that has NO nutritional content, and you get to learn to let mean horrifying self defeating comments that mean kids say go in one ear and out the other and pretend they don't hurt." "its going to be great!"
And so off to school the children went...

Bailey was delighted! She loves school. She is determined that school is the greatest invention since sliced cheese. She plans on making a gajillion more friends and enjoying them after school since she now lives among her school mates! And even better, when she joins the world of Jr. High in the upcoming years she won't have to make all new friends again. Bless her for being so optimistic and joyful!

On another note, McKay was hoping for a natural disaster pushing back his blissful summers end. Anything would have been better than leaving his comfortable and happy living circumstances to associate with strangers. He thinks home school is a great idea! So for McKay we prayed for a miracle.

And God delivered.

I walked McKay to class and painfully watched him dry his eyes (for the ten trillionth time that morning) and answered his question for the billionth time ("how many hours is school?") And then I ducked behind a tree where nobody could see me hug him (CUZ that just isn't cool... even if you're crying because you don't want to leave your mom.) And then I promised that I would come eat lunch with him so that he wouldn't be a total loner. Then I left and returned At lunch time where we talked about how McKay hadn't even had a minute to meet one new friend and that he was definitely going to die if he had to stay for one more hour of school. Just as he was finishing up his turkey sandwich (made with googols of love) one of his long lost friends from his class last year (at the other school) appeared and said, "Oh hey McKay!" and McKay's face lit up like a Christmas tree on steroids, "Hi Ramone!" Those words never sounded so good... In fact, I think Ramone might have to go onto my list of favorite people now. And then Ramone said something so profound: "have you seen Darrin yet? He moved over here too." And my heart leaped and landed in the same spot as McKay's which visibly jumped out of his chest. He not only knew somebody, He had two friends from his other school which made him one mighty happy kid at recess. And after we left the lunch room I walked McKay over to the playground and as soon as he spotted those familiar boys from his 2nd grad class he waved good bye and sent me on my way to our quiet little home. And McKay felt like he belonged at that new school...

Cole has never been more elated to join the world of school kids. Cole is happy about EVERYTHING! But he was delirious with happy about going to school. He was the first one up. The first one dressed. And the first one to have his back pack on. He was the first one in the car and the first one to tell the kids good-bye. However, his school didn't start until noon. So he wore that back pack all day! And He couldn't have been more elated when I told him to get in the car because it was time for school. He was sure that he would have at least 30 new friends by Christmas break. He confidently walked into his class and hung up his back pack after finding the perfect spot for his new green water bottle... and then he went right to his seat without further help... READY for the day! And as I walked out the door, pushing back a little tear I stole one last look at my baby (whom I've enjoyed every minute of his life in major huge amounts) and he glanced over and gave me a wink to send me on my way. That kid... And when he got in the car after school he was the first to announce that he had made two new friends (well on his way to 30) that he couldn't remember their names and one of them he "plays with but doesn't talk to because I can't understand his noise".

And so all the little ones are now in school... and I'm told that I will enjoy it. But all it makes me want to do is cry. Mum says I can take 3 days to mourn... and then I must get going. So I have one more day to heal my lonely heart. And then the enjoyment of my empty house for hours each day begins. But I will never, not ever, stop praying that those lucky teachers who have my wee ones for nearly 7 hours each day will enjoy them as much as I do.


☂niki. said...

I really enjoyed reading this! Your kids are just too dang cute! I'm so sad for your lonely heart. I'm sure you'll find plenty to do with your free time!

Michelle said...

Speaking as someone in your same boat... I hear ya sister! I thought I would die of worry all day Wednesday. Everyone of them survived and loved it.

Been too busy the past few days to feel totally loney. It helps.

Hang in there. Every day gets a little better.

Louisa said...

I feel you pain as well, but I still have one small companion all day long. I do not want to think of sending her off to school in a couple more years.

Can't wait to have your fun family out for dinner tomorrow night! It's been too long, my friend!

E and T Macdonald said...

Very sweet post, Becky. I'm a looong way from feeling lonely during the days... :) I'm eating up my baby girl- she is just so cute!

Anyway, I have a chicken question for ya ... What medicine (dust?)do you put on your chickens? A couple of ours have small spots on their chests where they are losing feathers and one is losing it on her back. They aren't being pecked so I'm thinking it might be bugs/fleas/mites??? It made me think of your sad post and how we don't/haven't medicated them with anything. If you have any info... please advise.
Enjoy your afternoons! :)

Blake & Melissa said...

You won't be lonely if you come visit me. :)

My kids start back to school this week (except Keller--kindergarteners apparently have to wait a few days), and then Merritt starts next week. I am stoked!