Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful I am!

Dad has a Thanksgiving tradition: Each of us go around the table and say one thing that we are thankful for. I am always touched by the emotion that backs the gratitude expressed. Most of the time I hear words of Thanks for Family and spouses. And I am ever so grateful for these things: To the tune of the inability to adequately express myself verbally.
This year, however, I find myself with Thanksgiving for my (not so) little brother, Jake. For his life and sacrifices, for his determination to keep going and for his ability to hike and triumph over trial. We all have learned about life's hardships. It is a part of our purpose to be here. Some will wallow in their pity. Others will accept defeat. While still there are those who will pretend or even lie about there even being a trial at all. It is He who squares up or stares down that which is difficult and overcomes each bump in the road that is the most impressive to me. Persistence can not cope with failure. And for that reason coupled many more, Jake is undoubtedly, heroic to me in every way. Sure love you buddy.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.


Marja Liisa said...

I think about him often and what he is going through...I wish him the best! Hope you guys have a great holiday...we miss you!

Merilee said...

Ditto to that. I feel like I have a unique connection to Jake and my heart seriously goes out to that kid and his kids. He's a strong one! Here's to the future! Happy thanksgiving weekend!

Collective Conscience said...

I didnt see this until today...which I must admit is somewhat embarrassing, but was perfect timing. It touched me so deeply. You'll never know how grateful I am for the person you have been in my life. For years you have been more than a sister and someone I have always been able to count on. I am so lucky to have you as my sister. But I am even more blessed to call you my friend. Life happens, choices were made, consequences accepted. But Im grateful for the return of hope. For the opportunity each day to choose again. And Im especially
grateful that when I arise each day to make those choices I know that I have someone behind me that believes in me. Thank you for being that someone. I love you deeply.
Your Brother,